PPR - Preface Public Relations
PPR stands for Preface Public Relations
Here you will find, what does PPR stand for in Organization under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Preface Public Relations? Preface Public Relations can be abbreviated as PPR What does PPR stand for? PPR stands for Preface Public Relations. What does Preface Public Relations mean?The Organization company falls under public relations and communications category and is located in Los Angeles, California.
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Alternative definitions of PPR
- Portland Pattern Repository
- Pinault Printemps Redoute
- Voya Prime Rate Trust
- prior permission required
- periodic performance report
- prepublication review
- peacetime program ratio
- physical progress review
View 131 other definitions of PPR on the main acronym page
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- PPL Private Psychiatry LLP
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- PFC Palmer Fixture Company
- PGC Prps Goods and Co
- PSL Pinnacle Solutions Ltd
- PBF Pinnacle Bank Fl
- PCS Phoenix Case School
- PP Pick n Pay
- PVV Prairie Vista Village
- PHE Public Health Expertise
- PAOPC PAO Pao Coffee
- PBSL Paul Brown Stadium Ltd